Day 39 of 100 - Working with CSV Data Day 3 of 3

Working with CSV Day 3 of 3

Day 39 of 100

While the title of this post says that I am completing the 39th day of the 100 days challenge, it has been much longer. There are a couple of mostly uninteresting reasons for the break (vacation, day job got busy, etc) but I have also have been updating my my blog. The previous blog was built on Jekyll, which was a great solution to get started but I figured I was doing the 100 days of Python code so I should be using a Python blogging engine. That lead me to the Pelican Project. It wasn't quite as easy as the Jekyll engine, but I wasn't able to do much with Jekyll beyond the tutorial because it was using Ruby under the hood and I didn't really want to dig too far into that. I was able to use my knowledge of Python an web applications to put together a custom theme that looks rough, but represents something that I have created.

Back to Python. I really enjoyed the CSV module as it is such an easy to use data format. Human readable and easy to edit in raw format is appealing to me at this point in my coding journey. I had also done some work with CSV data for a web application I built for a neighborhood sports pool that too results data through a csv import when calculating weekly results. Rather than working on the data sets available from FiveThirtyEight I decided to extend some functionality in my contacts database program. I used the sample code and examples to write some CSV functions to import contacts into the program. The next steps would be to add an export method to back up the contacts in the program, which currently only exist in memory while the program is running.

import os
import csv
import collections

data = []

Contact = collections.namedtuple(

# Load csv into memory
def init():
    base_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    filename = os.path.join(base_folder, 'data', 'import.csv')

    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
        reader = csv.DictReader(fin)

        for row in reader:
            contact = parse_row(row)

        return data

def parse_row(row):
    row['first_name'] = str(row['first_name'])
    row['last_name'] = str(row['last_name'])

    record = Contact(

    return record

And the code to add the import functionality.

from classes import Contact
import csv_utils

def main():

contact_list = []

def print_header():
    print('-' * 45 + '\n')
    print(' ' * 17 + 'CONTACTS DB' + '\n')
    print('-' * 45 + '\n')

def create_contact():
    contact = Contact.create_new_contact()

def search_contacts(contact_list):
    search_parameter = input(f'Would you like to search by [F]irst or [L]ast name: ')
    search_params = ['f', 'l']
        if search_parameter.lower() in search_params:
            # search by first letter of first name
            if search_parameter.lower() == 'f':
                search_letter = input(f'What is the first letter of the first name you are searching for: ')
                results = []
                for contact in contact_list:
                    if search_letter.lower() == contact.first_name[0].lower():
                if results:
                    for result in results:
                    print(f'No results.')
            # TODO implement last name search
            # TODO implement full name search
            # TODO implement search by all parameters
            raise ValueError
        print('Input not recognized.')

    # Ask for search parameter - first name, last name, etc
    # Ask for exact match or first letter match
    # Ask for search term to match
    # Search contact list for search term
    # Return results to user and let the user pick which one to look at full contact info

def print_contacts(contact_list):
    contact_num = 1
    for contact in contact_list:
        print(f'Contact {contact_num}: {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}')
        contact_num += 1

# method to import contacts from a csv
def import_contacts():
    # TODO prompt user if file is in place or if they need to download template
    contact_import = csv_utils.init()
    for contact in contact_import:
        print(f'Your contacts: {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}')
        contact_import = Contact.import_new_contact(contact.first_name, contact.last_name)

# TODO write method to export a contacts template

#TODO write a method to export contacts list

def program_loop():
    valid_inputs = ['c', 'i', 'p', 'q', 's']
    while True:
        task = input(f'What would you like to do?\n'
                     f'\t[C]reate new contact\n'
                     f'\t[P]rint contacts\n'
                     f'\t[S]earch contacts\n'
                     f'\t[I]mport contacts\n'
                     f'\t> ')
            if task.lower() in valid_inputs:
                if task.lower() == 'c':
                elif task.lower() == 'i':
                elif task.lower() == 'p':
                elif task.lower() == 's':
                elif task.lower() == 'q':
                    print('Good Bye')
                raise ValueError
            print('Please enter "C", "I", "P", "Q", or "S" to continue')

if __name__ == '__main__':

# TODO Database support
# TODO File i/o
# TODO Tests
# TODO Logging
# TODO Email/share contact
# TODO Look at pyinputplus for input validation
# TODO more things