Day 6 of 100 - Collections Module Day 3 of 3

Collections Module Day 3 of 3

Day 6 of 100

After implementing a solution to the challenge yesterday, I went back and followed the tutorial closer and used the defaultdict, namedtuple, and Counter tools suggested. It was clearly a more elegant and simple solution. Once I looked at the example provided, it became clearer to me how to use the tools and I think they will be more useful in the future, as long as I can remember to use them...

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple, Counter
import csv
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

movie_data = ''
movies_csv = 'movies.csv'
urlretrieve(movie_data, movies_csv)

Movie = namedtuple('Movie', 'title year score')

def get_movies_by_director(data=movies_csv):
    """Extracts all the movies from csv and stores them in a dictionary
     where keys are directors, and values is a list of movies (named tuples)"""
    directors = defaultdict(list)
    with open(data, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        for line in csv.DictReader(f):
                director = line['director_name']
                movie = line['movie_title'].replace('\xa0', '')
                year = int(line['title_year'])
                score = float(line['imdb_score'])
            except ValueError:

            m = Movie(title=movie, year=year, score=score)

    return directors

directors = get_movies_by_director()

cnt = Counter()
for director, movies in directors.items():
    cnt[director] += len(movies)


Which outputs:

[('Steven Spielberg', 26), 
('Woody Allen', 22), 
('Martin Scorsese', 20), 
('Clint Eastwood', 20), 
('Ridley Scott', 17)]

While learning about the collections module has been great, revisiting the file i/o and reading and parsing csv has my my wheels turning and has inspired be to start my first side project - a small networking utility that I think will benefit my real world job. More to come soon!